5 Questions With Zach Jackson

What do you look forward to most during the holiday season? 
The thing I look forward to most during the holidays is definitely getting to see all my family. My entire mom and dad’s side of the family are both from my hometown so everybody gets together throughout the holidays and that is pretty much what we spend all our time doing. 

What is the best baseball-related present you have ever received? 
The best baseball-related present I have ever received is probably a scrapbook my mom made of my college team’s – the University of Arkansas – run to Omaha. She just took memories from throughout the whole year and put the whole thing together and it was really meaningful.  

What is your favorite holiday memory? 
My favorite holiday is Christmas, partially because it’s also my birthday. My favorite Christmas memory is definitely when I was younger my cousin was deployed over in Iraq and he surprised the whole family on Christmas. It was super emotional, surprised everybody and definitely made it the best Christmas yet.  

What is your favorite holiday song? 
My favorite holiday song is “All I Want for Christmas Is You” by Mariah Carey.  

Do you work with any particular charities or are you active in the community during the holiday season?  
I try to be very active in my community.  It’s a very small community so when I go back home I definitely try to make appearances with the baseball team and the football team, maybe trying to inspire some of the guys and just try to be a role model for them. 

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